(What is “Einstein Equation”…)
アインシュタイン方程式とは、時空間と物質の分布の関係性を示す、テンソルで表される微分方程式 です。この方程式は、宇宙のほぼ全ての現象を表現することができます。例えば、宇宙の年齢や、ビッグバン理論、ブラックホール、超新星爆発、重力レンズ効果 e.t.c…
The Einstein equation is a differential equation represented by a tensor that shows the relationship between space-time and the distribution of matter. This equation can describe almost all phenomena in the universe. For example, age of the universe, big bang theory, black holes, supernova explosions, gravitational lensing effects e.t.c…
Einstein created this equation intuitively, based on the belief that the universe must be beautiful, and then spent 10 years or more formulating it. This equation smashed Newton’s tradition of universal gravitation, the standard of gravity theory for 200 years, and presented people with a new perspective on the universe. It is one of the finest masterpieces of modern physics created by Einstein’s aesthetic sense and tenacious calculation.

(What is “Katakana Equation”?)
What is the Katakana formula? “All expressions expressed in katakana” Is.
I believe mathematical formulas have artistic value. Until now, many mathematicians and physicists have described mathematical formulas as “beautiful”. However, due to its expertise and difficulty, the artistic value of mathematical formulas has been monopolized by only some researchers. For the average person, even reading mathematical formulas is very difficult.
In this work, I tried to solve the obfuscation of mathematical expressions with “katakana”. In addition, by expressing mathematical expressions in katakana that anyone can read, the goal was to “release” mathematical expressions that had been monopolized by some intellectuals.
In the future 100 years later, I imagined a society where people would accept mathematical expressions as a kind of icon or symbol, just as Keith Haring’s work would be printed on T-shirts. The obfuscation of mathematical formulas is eliminated with katakana, and it is expressed in a pop font. The expression of letters is useful only when this formula is very fast, so I designed it so that I could feel the speed.
By hiding the face of a famous physicist with this katakana, he expressed a sign of rebellion against the authority of physics.

(T-shirts On Sale)
Suzuriにて、Tシャツを販売中です。(T-shirts On Sale)